Learn How to Pass
The Washington State Driving Test

Do you need to pass the road test to get your WA driver's license?
Eliminate the stress and worry of taking the test
Learn exactly what to expect
And exactly what you need to do
In order to pass

Two versions of our test prep course to help you pass the Washington driving test

how to pass the washington driving test

Free Version of the Washington State
Driving Test prep course

Get five video lessons that show you the basics of the Washington state driving test, delivered right into your email inbox. The free version gives you a broad overview as well as driving test tips. It includes one bonus lesson from the premium version of the course.

Traffic signal on driving test, turn right on red

Premium Version of the Washington State Driving Test prep course

The premium version of the course goes far beyond the basics that are in the free course. The premium version gives all the details, and teaches you exactly what to do on each part of the driving test in order to pass.

Driving test Tips

Backing around a corner and looking out the rear window.

Backing around a corner on the Washington state driving test

Well, it looks like it’s time to write a post about backing around a corner. I’ve been getting a lot of questions about this one, so here goes. If you’re taking a driving test in Washington state, you’ll have to back around a corner This is called the backing maneuver or just simply “backing”. The

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One way street sign with green tree branches and blue sky

Washington has the hardest driving test in the US

KOMO News recently reported on a study by Siegfried and Jensen, which says that Washington state is the hardest state in the nation to pass the driving test. They based their evaluation on several sources of information, including information from the Washington DOL website and the Washington Driver Guide (PDF). What the study looked at

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What is the brake reaction test?

Before you start your Washington state driving test, the examiner will have you do a brake reaction test. This tests your ability to safely and quickly stop the car. This part is pretty easy to do, but it helps if you know what to expect. How does the brake reaction test work? For the brake

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How to Change Lanes on your Driving Test

Changing lanes is pretty easy on the Washington state driving test, there are only a couple of things you need to remember. Whenever you change lanes, you need to do the head check procedure to check your blind spot. Here’s what you need to do: Turn on your turn signal Check your side mirror Look

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check out the premium WA DRIVING TEST PREP course

Nine video lessons that show you exactly what to do on every part of the your Washington state drive test.

 Click the button to learn more  >>>

“Hi, I’m John. I’m going to show you how to pass the Washington State Driving Test.

I'm a Master Examiner, and I used to train driving examiners for DOL. I also did “check-rides” with examiners to make sure they were delivering the test properly. Over time I realized that the whole thing could be simplified. If you follow a few simple rules and procedures, and get plenty of driving practice, passing the Washington driving test is easy.

I made this website to help people prepare for the driving test. I hope that it helps you."
John Washington State Driving Test
John Clabaugh
Creator, Washington State Driving Test